Technical Information
Troubleshooting | System Requirements | Navigating the Interface | Contact Us
- Video or audio does not play properly or does not play at all.
- Solution:
Check the status bar below the VCR controls. If it says "loading" or "buffering," allow it some time. It is standard for a delay when a video loads (the length of the delay will depend on your network connection).
If you continue to experience difficulties, please make sure you have a compatible version of Media Player installed:
To check your version of Media Player, go to the Start Menu and choose "All Programs"-->"Accessories"-->"Entertainment"-->"Windows Media Player." Once Media Player loads, click "Help"-->"About Windows Media Player." The version number listed should be 6.4 or higher.
If your version of Media Player is older than 6.4 or the video still will not play correctly, download and install the latest version of Windows Media Player from Microsoft by clicking the icon below:
- The video plays, but is constantly pausing to re-buffer.
- Solution:
There is too much traffic on your network. First, make sure you are not running network-intensive programs or downloading large files while trying to watch streaming video.
If the problem continues, open Media Player (go to Start Menu and choose "All Programs"-->"Accessories"-->"Entertainment"-->"Windows Media Player"). Choose "Options" from the "Tools" menu. On the "Performance" tab, make sure "Detect connection speed" is selected. You will need to close both Media Player and the Streaming Interface after making any changes within Media Player.
If this does not fix the problem, go back to the "Performance" tab (see above) and select "Buffer __ seconds of content" and enter "10" into the blank field. Click OK, close Media Player and the Streaming Interface, and then open the seminar again.
If the problem persists, please contact your network administrator to inquire about any problems with your network.
- I hear audio but there is no video.
- Solution:
If your network connection speed is too low, the player will play only the audio. We recommend you have at least a 56k modem. If you believe your network is fast enough, check the following: Open Windows Media Player (see above) and choose "Options" from the "Tools" menu. On the "Performance" tab, make sure "Detect Connection Speed" is chosen.
- Can I view the video in full screen mode?
- Solution:
You can only switch to full-screen mode while the video is playing. If the button does not work even while the video is playing, right-click on the video and choose "Zoom"-->"Full Screen." To exit Full-Screen Mode, press the Escape key.
Navigating the Streaming Interface
- Use the VCR controls and slider bars under the video to play, pause, jump to a section of the video, or adjust the volume.
- Use the status bar under the VCR controls to see the current streaming status. When loading a video, the status should read as "loading" or "buffering." A delay while the player connects is normal (the length of the delay will depend on your connection speed).
- To navigate between topics, click on a topic name in the menu on the left, or click the "Next Topic" or "Previous Topic" buttons.
- To see any supplemental materials provided by the speaker, use the "Papers" and "Slides" tabs.
- To view the video in full-screen mode, click the "Full Screen" button above the video or right-click the video and choose "Zoom-->Full Screen." Press the Escape key to return to the normal-sized video.
System Requirements
A minimum of a 56k modem connection is required; however, we recommend a broadband network connection for the most enjoyable experience.
Our streaming interface is currently designed to support Microsoft Internet Explorer, versions 10 and higher, but we strongly recommend the most recent version. Our media is optimized for the most recent version of Windows Media Player from Microsoft. If you are experiencing difficulties, please upgrade to the current version. You can get this free from Microsoft by clicking on the link below and following the "Download" instructions.

Contact Us
If you have any questions, please call us toll-free at 1-866-702-3278.
Atlanta Main Number: (770) 805-6292
Atlanta Fax Number: (781) 723-0433
Additionally, you may reach our customer service department directly using the link below:
Click here to contact support